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ATMNE Conference

Call for Presenters

Join keynotes Howie Hua, Annie Fetter, Julia Aguirre, Maria del Rosario Zavala, and Brian Buckhalter and a diverse lineup of presenters in Marlborough, MA at the October 30-31 ATMNE 2025 Conference.  Submit your speaker proposal form by April 1, 2025 to be considered for the program.

Equity in Mathematics Education:

A Joint Position Statement for Connecticut

The full statement includes important details, which can be accessed via the button below:

Joint Position Statement for Connecticut

Award Nominations

ATOMIC is proud to present four annual awards representing the excellence of mathematics educators in Connecticut.  These awards honor educators and leaders who exhibit outstanding commitment and successful service.  The awards will be presented during the next ATOMIC Conference.

Saturday February 22, 2025 is the deadline to nominate your deserving colleagues.

Math Teachers' Circles

  Math Teachers' Circle for Social Justice is a professional development group that was established to support math teaching for social justice in Connecticut.  MTC4SJ is part of the national Math Teachers' Circle network.  The goal is to provide a platform for math teachers to engage in problem solving that displays the power of mathematics in promoting critical conversations.  Click this link for more information about upcoming workshops.


If you or your colleagues are interested, please visit the MTC4SJ website and fill out

the registration and interest form

Grants are available for teachers

  We are accepting applications for $500 teaching grants and $250 professional development grants.  The deadline is June 1 for the current fiscal year. 

YOU could be a recipient to help your class and contribute to the math community! 

Follow the links below to find out about these exciting opportunities.  





Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government specifically for K-12 science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science teaching.  Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of mathematics and science education.

Anyone - principals, teachers, parents, students, or members of the general public - may nominate exceptional educators who are teaching during at least 50% of their contractual time in math, science, technology, computer science, or engineeringTeachers may also apply directly at paemst.nsf.gov This site has more information about when nominations are open, and which grade levels are included for the current school year. 

For 2024-2025, the nomination/application period includes teachers working in secondary grades 7-12.  The application deadline is February 6, 2025, and details are posted at paemst.nsf.gov.  [Elementary K-6 teachers will be eligible to apply during the 2025-2026 cycle.]

For additional information, please contact Sue Palma and Stacie Broden, the State PAEMST State Co-Coordinators, at atomicmathpaemst@gmail.com.   


2021 - 7-12 Awardee - Barbara Budaj, Capital Prep Magnet School, Hartford

2022 – K-6 Awardee - Patricia Hahn, Parkville Community School, Hartford

2023 – 7-12 Awardee - Susan Palmberg, Edwin O. Smith High School, Storrs

The 2024 grades K-6 Awardee has not yet been announced, but the state finalists are:

Lisa Liptak, STEM Magnet School at Annie Fisher, Hartford

Tiffany LoConte, Fawn Hollow Elementary School, Monroe

Elizabeth Morales, Hayestown Avenue School, Danbury


Existing Members:

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log in (top of webpage), click on "View profile" (top), and click the "Renew to..." button.

ATOMIC Social Media Pages:



Connecticut State Department of Education

Mathematics Homepage

Use this link to access updated resources, forms, and contact information from the State Department of Education.

We are the Connecticut affiliate of the


and we are here to support students and teachers in our state!

See the NCTM tab.

We are an affiliate of NCSM, the premiere mathematics education leadership organization.


The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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