Executive Board Members 

Board Positions (updated 11/12/2024)
JeffreyCorbishleyPresident Elect
RachelSaundersRecording Secretary
JoeKlimaszewski   Treasurer
SuePalmaCorresponding Secretary
RobinMooreElementary Representative 
AmandaPetersonMiddle School Representative 
AngieMillerSecondary Representative
  Technical HS Representative
Trish KeplerNon-Public School Representative
RobertJanesAdministration Representative
MeganStaplesHigher Education Representative
STEM Representative
SueDalkaNCTM Representative
RobinMooreNCSM/CCLM Representative
StacieBroden PAEMST Coordinator
SuePalma PAEMST Coordinator
CortniMuir Annual Conference Chair 
Erin BarlowMembership Chair 
AmandaPetersonWebsite Administrator
GregLaChanceWebsite Administrator
Stephanie QuartaroGrant Facilitator
Erin Barlow ATMNE Representative 
JenniferMichalekCT Department of Education Liaison 

Tim BrzezinskiProfessional Learning Chair
RobinMooreNewsletter Editor

The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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