Leinwand Teaching Grants
The Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut supports the goals outlined by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) in its publication Principles to Action. In order to encourage widespread involvement in affecting positive change in our mathematics classrooms, a grant for up to $500 will be awarded to a maximum of ten Connecticut educators per fiscal year who are members of ATOMIC through either individual or school memberships.
The Steve Leinwand Teaching Grant is designed to provide funds directly to teachers for projects that promote excellence in mathematics education. Grants will be awarded for proposals that focus on designing new curricula, exploring assessment possibilities, enhancing the learning environment, or in any way promoting the acquisition of mathematical power by our students.
A selection committee will evaluate the proposals on the basis of how effectively they support the NCTM Standards in the aforementioned publication. Additional consideration will be given to innovation and to the feasibility of executing the plan. This grant offers the opportunity to enrich or approach curriculum in an innovative way and to stimulate creative teaching techniques in the classroom.
The selection committee will use the following rubric when screening applications.
Applicants can use the following form to plan for their application.
It will be the responsibility of each awardee to make a written report to ATOMIC at the completion of the school year for which the award was given. This report should describe and evaluate the project as it was actually implemented. The article will be published in the ATOMIC Newsletter. The grant committee will contact grant awardees with a timeline for article submission.
Any Questions? Email the Grant Committee via atomicmath@gmail.com