ATMNE Conference 2022 Seeking Presenters

01/24/2022 9:19 AM | Anonymous

The Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics are thrilled to be hosting the upcoming Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New England's annual conference. The conference will be held on October 20 - 21, 2022 at the Killington Grand Hotel in Killington Vermont. This year's ATMNE conference theme is "Fall in Love with Math." The past few years have made the work of teaching and learning difficult for all involved with education. We believe that educators and students will benefit from a renewed sense of love for the art of mathematics. We also believe that embracing equitable and effective math teaching practices, such as focusing on depth, as well as encouraging students to see themselves as confident problem solvers who can make valuable mathematical contributions, will create a math classroom full of a love for learning. For more information on the conference or to submit a proposal to present, visit Proposals are due on May 15, 2022 and presenters will be chosen in June.

Proposal Form:

The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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