February 15 - MTC4SJ Workshop and Book Release! E

02/07/2022 10:31 AM | Anonymous

Hi mathematics educators!

We are so excited to announce our next workshop and that it will be paired with a release of our digital book Connecting Mathematics and Social Justice: Lessons and Resources for Secondary Math Teachers.

The workshop will be on Intergenerational Wealth (one of the lessons in the book) from 6:30-7:40pm (EST) and the book release will immediately follow from 7:40-8:00pm (EST). You can register for either or both portions of the programming - see registration link below. Please invite friends and colleagues to help us experience meaningful mathematics and to celebrate an accomplishment!

 2/15 Registration

Workshop Title: Intergenerational Wealth: What Matters and Why?

Presenters: Joy Griffin, Regional District #11; Monica Housen, Ridgefield Public Schools

Description: Family and individual wealth is not shared equally across Connecticut and this disparity of wealth held by Connecticut families impacts the lives of future generations. Inequalities in income and wealth accumulation, combined with systemic injustices, serve to widen the wealth gap over generations. Join us for this session to experience a lesson that serves as an introduction or an extension of students’ understanding of compound interest and exponential growth. Students will use graphs to model wealth accumulation over time and explore qualitative and quantitative factors that contribute to social injustices around economic mobility.

The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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