Updates and Information from the State

11/09/2022 7:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Teaching and Learning Unit of the Academic Office at the Connecticut State Department of Education is committed to keeping our stakeholders up to date on important information. Please see below for pertinent information: 

Nominations for the 2023 U.S. Presidential Scholar Program 

Please consider nominating any student in your district (public, non-public, homeschooled) who will graduate in the spring of 2023 and who intends to engage in post-secondary education. As per the guidance received from the U.S. Department of Education, you may nominate up to three students – one male and one female for the General Component, and one student (male or female) for the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Component. Please see the attached letter for more information about the nomination process and selection criteria. All nomination letters must be received by Wednesday, November 16, 2022. For questions about the process, please contact Ada Kovaci-Kume by phone at 860-713-6855 or via e-mail at Ada.Kovaci-Kume@ct.gov

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) 

The nomination/application cycle is now open. Anyone—principals, teachers, parents, students, or members of the general public—may nominateexceptional STEM teachers who are currently teaching grades 7-12 for the 2023 award year. Teachers may also apply directly at www.paemst.org. This is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government specifically for K–12 science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science teaching. 

The nomination deadline is January 9, 2023, and the application deadline is February 6, 2023, for SECONDARY 7-12.  

10th Anniversary of Hour of Code  

In celebration of this milestone, Code.org is awarding $10,000 to one high school and one middle school in all fifty states + D.C. to assist districts with establishing a computer science pathway. To be eligible a school must commit to: 

  • Establish a new computer science course using Code.org

  • Describe how you plan to continue expanding access to CS in your school and/or district. 

  • Provide a short statement of support from district leadership for expanding CS opportunities. 

  • Organize a school-wide Hour of Code or other event/assembly for CSEdWeek

In addition to the $10,000 award, the implementing teacher in each winning school will receive a no-cost scholarship to attend Code.org’s Professional Learning Program. More details are available at code.org/prize

Solar Decathlon Pathways 

The U.S. Department of Energy has announced the launch of Solar Decathlon Pathways, a new project to encourage high school students to consider pursuing clean energy careers by connecting them to the Solar Decathlon’s extensive network of competition alumni. Alumni will work with students on activities related to the built environment and renewable energy, describe their own educational paths, and highlight career opportunities in the clean energy and high-performance buildings sector. For more information please visit their website here: https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/solar-decathlon-expands-bringing-zero-energy-programs-high-school-students-and-mid

Linking District/School Websites to the Report Cards on EdSight  

The Connecticut Report Cards on EdSight provide high-level, visual trends on some of the essential metrics regarding students, educators, instruction/resources, and performance. They are available for the State, and for every active district and school. Each report card has a unique website link. We encourage districts to link directly from their district/school webpages to their respective report cards. The Connecticut Report Card is an ideal report for members of the general public, including local board members, because it is a comprehensive yet relatively simple report that is also mobile friendly. To facilitate this linkage, the CSDE has whitelisted all district domains contained in Directory Manager. If there are any questions, please email the EdSight team at edsight.sde@ct.gov

Grades K-3: Universal Screening Reading Assessments Frequently Asked Questions is Available 

Pursuant to Section (Sec.) 10-14t(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.), the Connecticut State Department of Education has revised the Approved Menu of Research-Based Grades K-3 Universal Screening Reading Assessments for mandated use by local and regional boards of education effective July 1, 2023. These reading assessments have been approved for use by districts to identify students in kindergarten to grade three, inclusive, who are below proficiency in reading, and to assist in identifying, in whole or in part, students at risk for Dyslexia, as defined in Sec. 10-3d of the C.G.S., or other reading-related learning disabilities. This guidance document entitled, Grades K-3: Universal Screening Reading Assessments Frequently Asked Questions, is the first in a series of guidance documents, and serves to provide local and regional boards of education with initial guidance on the selection of approved K–3 research-based universal screening reading assessments. 

On behalf of New Hampshire Commissioner Frank Edelblut:  Holiday Cards for our Military Challenge! 

It is that time of year again when we prepare to spread some holiday cheer and support the Holiday Cards for our Military Challenge! The New Hampshire Department of Education is encouraging schools nationwide to participate in this worthy endeavor to create holiday cards that will be sent to soldiers overseas. We encourage you to watch this video and share it widely with the school leaders in your states, in the hopes that students throughout the country will find some time to write a short message to a soldier. This is a simple way to make a profound impact.  

The guidelines are easy – please address the card to “Dear Warrior,” and write a holiday greeting or personal note while signing your first name and hometown. Sign the cards mutually as a group, or individually. You may write as many as you want – the sky is the limit! Cards should be no larger than an 8x11-size paper folded in half. Envelopes are not required, however, if you have one, please do not seal it or address it. The deadline to send cards is Nov. 18.  

They should be addressed to:  

Laura Landerman-Garber  

Holiday Card Challenge  

PO Box 103  

Hollis, NH 03049 

If using FedEx or UPS, please address to:  

Holiday Card Challenge  

5 Hutchings Drive, Suite 100 Unit 103  

Hollis, NH 03049 

Please visit Holidays Cards for our Military Challenge for more information, or email holidaycardsnh@gmail.com. Thank you for taking the time to bring smiles to our soldiers this holiday season. 

NEW CSDE Model Curricula Model Units Connected to Defined Learning Performance Tasks   

The CSDE in partnership with Defined Learning has curated a list of real-world, project-based learning tasks aligned to the Connecticut Model Math units for grades 6-8 now available in GoOpenCT. Districts can use the CSDE Model Curricula Model Units Connected to Defined Learning Performance Tasks quick start guide to see the alignment of model units to Define Learning Performance Tasks. Superintendents are encouraged to share this new resource for implementing project-based learning in mathematics instruction with teachers and curriculum designer

The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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