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  • Election 2024: The Math of US by MTC4SM Tuesday, October 8 at 6:30 pm


Election 2024: The Math of US by MTC4SM Tuesday, October 8 at 6:30 pm

10/03/2024 8:50 AM | Anonymous

MTC4SM is excited to continue our fall online series Election 2024: The Math of US. Please join us on Tuesday, October 8 at 6:30 pm to explore RedistrictingThe Shapes of Democracy. (Brief description below.)  Register here. A zoom link is sent morning of the session.


Description: Are we choosing our elected officials, or are they choosing us? Every ten years following the Census, states must redraw their district maps, and this process is often manipulated to benefit those in power. Come see how the same people voting can lead to different outcomes, depending on how the maps are drawn. Mathematicians have intervened with various approaches to "fair" maps, and we provide this context along with an introduction to a mapping program.


Please also share with colleagues or other interested educators. See our website - workshop tab- for registration for the other sessions.

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