“Just-in-Time” Activities for Your TI-84 Plus Classroom
October 20, 7:00 p.m. CST
Presenters: Ruth Casey, Stuart Moskowitz
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You’re invited to take a guided tour of 84 Activity Central, an online resource of standards-aligned lessons using TI-84 Plus technology to support mathematics instruction.
You’ll learn how to find and use free lessons that fit the scope and sequence of your middle grades or high school mathematics curriculum to:
- Engage students in graphing and analyzing functions, equations and data
- Enable them to visualize important mathematics concepts to deepen understanding
- Help them to make meaningful connections across multiple representations
You could win registration to the 2016 T³™ International Conference! Attend the live webinar, and you will be entered to win registration for two to the 2016 T³™ International Conference, taking place February 26-28, 2016 in Orlando, Florida. (See rules.)
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