It is not often that we have the opportunity to hear a former NCTM President speak in Connecticut, but on the evening of Thursday May 12 from 4:30-8:00 at the Baci Grill in Cromwell former NCTM president and CSDE Math Consultant Mari Muri will be the featured speaker at the annual Connecticut Council of Leaders of Mathematics (CCLM) spring dinner. That alone may be reason enough to make this a "can't miss" event, but here are some additional reasons to join us on May 12:
- Get an update on the latest news from the CSDE and CCLM leadership on mathematics education in Connecticut
- Join in our always stimulating table discussions - tables will be organized by level (elementary, middle, high, and central office) with each table member being asked to share something you did this year that was highly successful with your table mates (you may if you wish bring 8-10 handouts for them)
- Network with other mathematics educators from around the state
The CCLM Board of Directors has agreed to subsidize part of the cost of the buffet dinner, so your cost for this event will only be $45 (or $35 if you attended one of our two previous events from the current school year). Email John Keogh ( by Thursday May 5 to reserve your place at this exciting event.
The CCLM Board of Directors