NCTM Mathematics Teacher

09/02/2016 11:45 AM | Anonymous
Mathematics Teacher Logo

Volume 110, No. 2

September 2016


Correlation Revelation: The Search for Meaning in Pearson's Coefficient 
Craig Huhn 
Lesson planning leads to a deeper consideration of what it means to study and learn mathematics.
How Administrators' Messages Influence Teacher Practice 
Richelle Marynowski 
Teachers react to pressure and expectations as they prepare students for high-stakes exams.
Fostering Algebraic Understanding through Math Magic 
Kien H. Lim 
Meaningful context motivates students to appreciate the usefulness of variables, expressions, equations, and symbolic transformations.
Snapshots of Equitable Teaching in a Highly Diverse Classroom 
Ruth N. Urbina-Lilback 
Two instructional principles—being open to students' input and building on misconceptions—can open the door for mathematics learning in community college.
A Study of Statistics through Tootsie Pops 
Shelby Aaberg, Jason Vitosh, and Wendy Smith 
Students construct confidence intervals, write hypothesis tests, and use sampling data to evaluate claims—all by using candy wrappers.



Meet your nominees. 2016 Board of Directors Election.
NCTM 2016 Regional Conferences and Expositions 2016 Phoenix October 26-28. Philadelphia October 31 - November 2
Be sure to check the MT Blog, Joy and Inspiration in the Classroom, to read the latest offering.


Reader Reflections 
Readers reflect on past articles
Media Clips  
How Big Is Too Big? / / Attendance Matters
Mathematical Lens  
Closed Circular Chains
Calendar and Solutions  
A set of problems of many types.
Connecting Research to Teaching 
Strategically Fostering Dynamic Interactive Environments

Technology Tips

Mathematical Modeling with MyMaps and Spreadsheets

Delving Deeper

Factor and Remainder Theorems: An Appreciation

For Your Information

Reviews of NCTM books and others.

The Back Page: My Favorite Lesson

Exploring Geometric Sequences


SHARE YOUR IDEAS - Call for Articles

Call for Manuscripts: On the Front Burner: Emerging Issues in Mathematics Educations


Call for Manuscripts: The Back Page: My Favorite Lesson


Call for Manuscripts: Reasoning and Sense Making


Call for Manuscripts: Technology Tips


Call for Manuscripts: Connecting Research to Teaching


Call for Manuscripts:  Focus Issue: Tool Kit for Early-Career Teachers


See all Current Calls for Manuscripts.

The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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