NCTM Featured Books

03/12/2017 1:06 PM | Anonymous
New Books from NCTM

Spring Forward with New Books

The publications that make up our newest releases provide engaging activities as well as insight into the latest mathematics education research and strategies. Developed, guided, and reviewed by noted experts in the field, NCTM publications provide insight into cutting-edge classroom strategies and research that will help you to enhance overall student learning and your individual professional development. Become a member of NCTM today and save 20% off all NCTM publications, including the titles featured below.


Check out all of the new releases in the NCTM store here. 

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Featured Publication

Activating the Vision: The Four Keys of Mathematics Leadership


Explore rich, research-based strategies and tasks that show how students are reasoning about and making sense of ratios and proportions when you focus on the specialized pedagogical content knowledge you need to teach these challenging math topics in the middle grades. Learn more.


New Titles for High School Math Teachers 

Balancing the Equation: A Guide to School Math for Educators and Parents


This book is intended for all who are involved in K–12 math education—particularly, educators and parents—and who seek to improve their own understanding of mathematics teaching and learning to help students succeed. Coauthors NCTM President Matt Larson and Tim Kanold  tackle popular misconceptions and misguided discourse about mathematics education and draw on peer-reviewed research about instruction that can significantly improve student learning. Learn more.


Putting Essential Understanding into Practice: Statistics


This book focuses on the specialized pedagogical content knowledge that you need to teach statistics effectively in grades 9–12. Explore rich, research-based strategies and tasks that show how students are reasoning about and making sense of statistics. Learn More.


Don't Miss: Mathematics Teacher Focus Issue


The Mathematics Teacher November 2016 focus issue, "Teaching Mathematics Online" , shines a light about online teaching. Teachers face an array of options as they select strategies to enhance communication with students and colleagues: new tools and technology; courses designed to be interactive; and varied methods of collaboration, conversation, and participation. This focus issue explores many facets of this technology-laden topic.

Shop more New Releases.

The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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