NCTM Mathematics Teacher

05/03/2017 7:21 PM | Anonymous
Mathematics Teacher Logo

Volume 110, No. 9

May 2017



Mathematical Modeling: Are Prior Experiences Important?

Jennifer A. Czocher and Diana L. Moss

Along with previous learning, general knowledge and personal encounters influenced students when the Letter Carrier problem was delivered to them.

Powerful Meanings for Logarithms

Daniel K. Siebert

Support student reasoning by supplementing a common but problematic meaning for logarithms.

A New Take on an Old Square

Janessa Richardson and Rachel M. Bachman

A preservice teacher recounts historical perspectives and her own discoveries in the process of completing the square. 

A Different Pitch to Slope

William Wolbert

Hands-on activities give students appreciation of real-world mathematics.
Downloadable activity sheets and answers(.docx)

Quickfire Challenges to Inspire Problem Solving

Suzanne R. Harper and Dana C. Cox

Emphasizing the process rather than the produced solution, the Kaleidoscope task inspires students to create an artifact for further reflection and discussion.


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2017 Summer Institutes Baltimore
Math Education Webinars


Reader Reflections 
Readers reflect on past articles.
Media Clips  
Davis's Fastball
Mathematical Lens  
Square Street
Calendar and Solutions  
A set of problems of many types.
Activities for Students 
Do-It-Yourself Fractals Functions
Downloadable activity sheets (.docx)
Technology Tips 
Dynamic Display of Data

Delving Deeper

Data Modeling Using Finite Differences

For Your Information

Reviews of current mathematics books and products from NCTM and other publishers.

Thanks from the Editorial Panel

An annual listing of volunteers who served as bloggers and reviewers and referees for MT during 2015-2016. 

The Back Page: My Favorite Lesson

3000 Hits Lesson Overview

MT Index Volume 110 (Aug. 2016-May 2017)

The 2016-2017 index for Mathematics Teacher contains both author and subject categories. (Online only component)


SHARE YOUR IDEAS - Call for Articles 

Call for Manuscripts: Mathematical Lens


Call for Manuscripts: 2019 Focus Issue: Mathematical Misconceptions


Call for Manuscripts: Effective Teaching of Foundational Concepts


Call for Manuscripts: Technology Tips


See all Current Calls for Manuscripts.

The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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