STEM + Computer Science in High School
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Time: 8:30AM-2:30PM
Location: The Chrysalis Center, Hartford, CT
This is a FREE Professional Development Program
Register Here to Attend at
Some of the most compelling innovations are at the intersection of science and technology. High School science classes are uniquely suited to work together with Computer Science Principles (CS) and Computational Thinking (CT) to achieve important STEM learning outcomes for students. Skills21 at EdAdvance has a National Science Foundation grant that supports the integration of High School Science topics with CT and CS. The grant allows for development of curriculum materials such as lesson plans and unit performance assessments that integrate CS, CT and science course content. Throughout the year students also work on an Innovation Challenge Project that allows them to use CS and CT while addressing a real world problem in the science context they are are studying. If you are a high school teacher (Science, Computer Science, TechEd/CTE) interested in learning more about integrating CS and science, this FREE professional development opportunity is for you!
Participants will receive:
• One day of PD with experts on CS, CT and STEM learning
• Access to sample curricula that integrate CS, CT and science courses
• Access to the STEM video series that documents the milestones of the course over the course of a year
• See winning Innovation Challenge Projects from the 2018 Expo Fest
Breakfast, coffee/tea and lunch will be provided.
For more information please contact Dr. Liz Radday at or 860-567-0863 Ext 209