ATOMIC is excited to present Dine, Discuss, and Learn Wednesday, October 26, 2022 [Rescheduled from Sept. 14, 2022] 5:00-8:00 PM Sarah Noble Intermediate School 25 Sunny Valley Road New Milford, CT
Featured Speakers: Grace Kelemanik and Amy Lucenta Grace and Amy are authors of Teaching for Thinking: Fostering Mathematical Teaching Practices & Routines for Reasoning: Fostering Mathematical Practices in All Students (Click below to register:) REGISTRATIONSchedule Details: 5:00 - 5:45 Dinner and Welcome 5:55 - 6:40 Keynote Speakers 6:50 - 7:45 Breakout Sessions Dinner to Include: An Italian Spread Soda and Water Dessert Cost and Registration: This is a free event for ATOMIC members and $25 for non ATOMIC members Your payment will provide you with a one-year ATOMIC membership Please join us for this awesome event. Registration will close on October 19, 2022. There will be no registration at the door! Thank you to our generous sponsor: |