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Routines for Reasoning Book Study:


This book study is complete.  Thanks to all who participated!

Routines for Reasoning

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[Please register before commenting on the prompts below.]

Please read the prompts for each chapter and add your thoughts and comments below. Please keep your entries professional and respectful.

Use the reply option if you have a question or comment on someone else's post. We can make this an interactive space - an ongoing conversation - and get the most out of our learning together.

Starting January 4, each Friday, we will post two prompts for that week’s chapter. You may choose to respond to either or both prompts. It's okay to go back to previous weeks if you fall behind. The posting schedule and running history of prompts is here.

Book Study Prompts and Responses:

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  • 03/19/2019 1:08 PM | Anonymous

    Make a goal for yourself and share it briefly here.  It might be a plan for changing your teaching practice in a small or large way, a personal commitment to finishing the book, or any other objective you’d like to accomplish based on your participation in this book study.

  • 03/19/2019 1:08 PM | Anonymous

    What was your favorite routine or strategy you learned from the book and/or the Fostering Math Practices website? 

  • 03/19/2019 1:07 PM | Anonymous

    The book explores many ideas about teaching. What idea was most thought-provoking for you?

    You can answer directly, OR use the sentence frame below.

    I used to think ___________________ and now I think ___________________.

  • 03/11/2019 2:07 PM | Anonymous

    We hope you can join us this week for an interactive Q & A on Routines for Reasoning with author Grace Kelemanik.

    If you need connection information, check your email, or email us at atomicbookclub@gmail.com

    If you have a question you'd like to ask, plan to join us on 3/13 and ask live, OR post it here, OR email it in.


    See the Book Study Main Page for a video recording of the interactive Q & A Session. 

  • 03/05/2019 8:09 AM | Anonymous

    The authors stress the importance of “doing the math” yourself, reflecting on the mathematical thinking embedded in a problem.  Choose a problem and routine and “do the math” and tell us about the experience.

  • 03/05/2019 8:07 AM | Anonymous

    We’ve worked through the 4 routines in the book (and you may have explored 2 more at www.fosteringmathpractices.com).  Which one do you feel most capable of trying? Which one seems to connect well with your goals for math content or student thinking habits?  (Note, we asked about thinking habits in Ch 2 here https://atomicmath.org/Winter2019_Prompts_Responses/699659 ).

  • 03/05/2019 8:06 AM | Anonymous

    This chapter is chock-full of suggestions and strategies for implementing the routines in your teaching.  Comment on a piece of the advice that resonated with you.

  • 02/24/2019 3:22 PM | Anonymous

    Share a problem scenario from your teaching that you think would be appropriate for the Three Reads routine.  Please remind us of your grade level/subject. 

    If you want to share a task with the group, send a document, photo, or link to atomicbookclub@gmail.com and I will set up a shared google drive folder for the materials.

  • 02/24/2019 3:21 PM | Anonymous

    On page 129, the authors state that when a teacher helps students who are stuck in the problem-solving process: “With the best of intentions to support students in their work, these teachers are actually doing all the thinking for the students, leaving the students dependent on the teacher in any future problem-solving situations.” 

    Have you encountered this in your own teaching?  Share your thoughts.

  • 02/24/2019 3:20 PM | Anonymous

    As you read through the extended vignette for the Three Reads routine, what do you notice or find thought-provoking?

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