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Chapter 10 – Option 3 (Action)

02/01/2021 5:19 PM | Anonymous

Choose a strategy from the chapter (Choral Counting, Visual Patterns, Number Talks/Strings, Always-Sometimes-Never, etc.) and try it out with your students. Tell us how it goes.


  • 03/06/2021 4:32 PM | Anonymous
    One of my favorite routines to promote reasoning & justification is "Always Sometimes Never"
    Here are some resources I've collected, perhaps they are useful for your teaching context.
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  • 04/07/2021 2:52 PM | Carrie
    In our math program (k-2), we have count around the classroom, which is very similar to choral counting. As I was planning for my second grade teachers, I challenged them to try starting with a number other than a multiple of 5 when skip counting by 5s and ask the students what they noticed. I had one class try it with me and we started on the number 801. At first, they had a hard time knowing what number came next. But after a few students and recording the numbers they started to see a pattern. It was so cool to see the light bulbs go off and their eyes light up.

    From here, we discussed the patterns we saw and started to make conjectures about what would happen if we started somewhere else on our 1,000 charts. We actually set the rest of the lesson aside, because these kids were having so much fun looking for more patterns and trying to make "rules" to make it work for other numbers.
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