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Chapter 7 – Option 1 (Reflection)

03/11/2020 8:43 AM | Anonymous
Comment on one of the instructional strategies from the chapter OR a detail from the classroom vignette that you find thought-provoking.


  • 03/18/2020 2:42 PM | Stacey Daly
    I really like the idea of "Independent Study: Math as a Way to Ask and Answer Your Own Questions." I listened to Zager's webinar during the Build Math Minds Virtual Summit this past summer in which she discussed the idea of a drop everything and do math time in which kids could pursue their own math questions and was very intrigued by the idea. Throughout the chapter, she makes a good point that we tend to teach math to kids with the idea that math is about answering someone else's questions not asking our own. I have tried to figure out how to incorporate this idea into the classrooms in which I coach. I can definitely see it being used for enrichment for students who pretest out of a unit. However, I agree with Zager that all students deserve to be able to pursue their own questions. As we are currently out of school due to the Corona virus pandemic, I'm wondering if this is something we can build into our distance learning as we move to it. I'm hoping to find a way to do so. I would love other people's ideas on this.
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