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Chapter 8 – Option 3 (Action)

12/08/2020 11:48 AM | Anonymous

Connecting math to other math ideas (via multiple representations, relationships, and models) is an extremely fruitful area to promote conceptual understanding with our students. Choose a problem or set of problems that you have taught or plan to teach, and analyze the multiple representations or models used by you and the students in the lesson.  What did your students learn? What did you learn?


  • 02/18/2021 4:42 PM | Anonymous
    I think that diving into multiple representations really deepens student learning. Even though we only need 1 way to solve a problem, by learning several ways and how they are connected, the entire concept is richer and the learning is more durable.

    I wrote a blog post “How Else Can We Show This?” that examined multiple representations using technology to better understand quadratic functions. First, we examined the graph and how 3 different algebraic forms of the function (standard form, factored form, vertex form) each reveals features of the graph. Then we use a table of values to understand what is happening numerically at each of these key points.

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