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Chapter 9 – Option 1 (Reflection)

01/09/2021 1:23 PM | Anonymous

Reflect on the opening pages of the chapter discussing intuition (pages 209-211). What caught your attention? Any surprises?


  • 02/04/2021 3:47 PM | Carrie Allen
    I like how Tracy says that intuition and proof complement each other and neither can stand alone. Recently, I've been changing my vocabulary to students to say "prove it to me" instead of "show your work". And from this we usually talk about their intuition and where did they start. The "prove it to me" gives the kids the "permission" to run with their first gut reaction.
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    • 02/18/2021 4:17 PM | Anonymous
      Yes, I also like the complementary nature of intuition and proof. I have been using "show your mathematical thinking" rather than "show your work", but your shift is in some ways more powerful: by asking for proof/justification, you are guiding students to build up the reasons for their conclusion.
      Later, in chapter 11 Mathematicians Prove, Tracy discusses the structure "Convince Yourself, Convince a Friend, Convince a Skeptic" as a routine that helps students uncover the WHY of the math.
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