
  • 07/07/2021 1:08 PM | Anonymous


    Math in the real world

    Dear educator, 


    Amplify Math’s classroom posters feature artwork from our program covers. The artwork teases how we've woven math instruction with history and storytelling to show students math at play in the real world.

    Amplify Math classroom posters

    By leveraging great storytelling, Amplify Math’s narratives highlight a diverse range of mathematicians and stories, allowing all students to see themselves in the content and connect with the math.

    Request your posters
  • 07/07/2021 1:06 PM | Anonymous


    CT Summer at the Museum
    FREE Admission for Kids

    July 1 - September 6

    It’s time to explore! From July 1 to September 6Connecticut children age 18 and under plus one accompanying adult can visit the Connecticut Science Center free of charge through the Connecticut Summer at the Museum program. The program is part of Governor Lamont’s larger plan to use recovery funds to provide students and families with engaging summer enrichment and learning experiences in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Plus, don't miss our current blockbuster traveling exhibition, Dinosaurs Around the World. Included with your General Admission.

    Tickets should be reserved online in advance of your visit. This program covers the General Admission for CT Youth 18 and under and one adult. Additional adult tickets would need to be purchased. Add-on experiences like our Butterfly Encounter and Theater are sold separately. We will be closed on July 4.

  • 07/07/2021 1:05 PM | Anonymous

    MoMath is pleased to invite you to Ask a Mathematician — Anything! (online) on Thursday, July 8, at 4:00 pm ET (New York).

    Ever wanted to ask a mathematician something, maybe about a curious new idea you have, or a concept you'd like to understand better?  Don't know whom to ask?  Here's your chance!  Join us for Ask a Mathematician —Anything! hosted by MoMath's 2020-2021 Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics and Rutgers math professor, Alex Kontorovich.  Come with your own questions, or just join to listen in.  All are welcome, and no question is too basic (although plenty may be too hard!).

    Learn more and register at

    National Museum of Mathematics

  • 05/24/2021 12:33 PM | Anonymous

    The Connnecticut State Department of Education is please to announce that all of the materials for this year's Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge, The Power of Problem Solving, has been posted.  All materials can be accessed at  Please encourage participation in this fun opportunity.

  • 05/18/2021 10:09 AM | Anonymous

    The Math Teachers Circle for Social Justice is seeking applications for Summer Stars! The Summer Stars is a cohort of teachers of math (secondary focus) who will come together during 2 weeks to develop lessons and materials to support math teaching for social justice in Connecticut. One product will be a digital-platform book. Participants will also be presenters/hosts during our MTC4SJ sessions this coming year. All virtual. Small honorarium provided. Please share this widely with others!  Applications due Monday, May 24.

  • 05/11/2021 12:16 PM | Anonymous

    ACES has created a virtual Praxis II prep series for the middle school and high school math tests (Mathematics: Content Knowledge 5161 and  Middle School: Mathematics 5169). These sessions are ideal for both currently certified teachers and pre-service teachers. Please see the attached flyer for additional information and the link to register.

  • 05/11/2021 12:15 PM | Anonymous

    Tip Tuesday

     Webinars and resources for your week


    Student test-prep boot camps

    TI now offers virtual boot camps to prepare students for high stakes math tests, including SAT® and ACT®. These camps can also serve as a launching pad for unfinished learning.

    Explore the camps »


    New math education podcast

    “Room To Grow: A Math Podcast” brings you discussions on trending topics in math education from two former math teachers, now TI employees. Join in to learn and grow together! Catch these short segments on your favorite podcast app.

    Tune in »


    STEM and Coding Projects for After Exams

    May 11 • 7 p.m. Central

    Get ideas on STEM and coding activities you can use after exams. This is a great chance to engage middle and high school students to build real-world projects that are controlled with code. No coding experience required.

    Join us tonight »


    STEM Behind Cool Careers

    Whether in ice cream, fashion design, art and more, math and science are present in everyday life! These cool activities show students how STEM plays a part in the interests they have.

    Check it out »


    Upcoming free webinars

    May 19 • Learning to Code With Python Using TI‑Nspire™ CX II Technology, Part 2

    Get details »

  • 04/27/2021 7:56 AM | Anonymous


    Tip Tuesday

     Webinars and resources for your week


    Math Activities for Students Who Hate Math

    April 27 • 7 p.m. Central

    For many students, math can be a frustrating, confusing and defeating subject. The presenter will share lessons that have been developed to help students use technology in a way that makes math topics more accessible.

    Join us tonight »


    Families of functions activities

    Explore 13 parent functions in this modular course covering families of functions using videos and other learning materials.

    Get started »


    Engineering From Day One

    May 6 • Noon Central time

    Join us for the next TI Talks speaker series event. Speakers from the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University will share an initiative focused on creating paths to engineering for underrepresented populations.

    Register now »


    Upcoming free webinars

    May 4 • Recreational Mathematics and TI Technology

    May 11 • STEM and Coding Projects for After Exams

    Get details »

  • 03/15/2021 7:28 AM | Anonymous

    You're invited to Math in the Middle: A Plan to Engage and Motivate Middle School Students, a virtual event series highlighting the ins and outs of motivating students in middle school mathematics. Sessions run throughout April and early May, with recordings available for those who cannot join live.

    Middle school mathematics is tricky no matter which way you slice it. The mathematical content learned in these formative years lays the foundation for key concepts that will be used in all future math courses. Furthermore, as students learn these new and challenging concepts, they are experiencing many physical, social, and emotional changes. This makes teaching middle school mathematics as much of an art as it is a science. Join us for this webinar series dedicated to middle school mathematics, where we discuss fresh ideas and practical ways to engage students, increase their motivation, and develop independent mathematical thinkers. 

    Check out more information here:

  • 03/15/2021 7:27 AM | Anonymous

    The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and Smarter Balanced are recruiting qualified educators to support the following assessment activities in 2021: 

    o       English/Language Arts Item Review for Content, Fairness, and Accessibility
    o       Mathematics Item Review for Content, Fairness, and Accessibility
    o       English/Language Arts Passage Review
    o       Mathematics Achievement Level Descriptors Review
    Applications are due by May 3, 2021 and can be accessed at  The meetings will be held virtually.  Participants will receive training and relevant digital materials prior to meeting. The meetings are expected to occur on Zoom and accessibility accommodations will be available for participants who need them. More information including eligibility, logistics, reimbursement, and dates are available at Educators selected to participate will be contacted directly by Smarter Balanced.

The ATOMIC Mission is to ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally.

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